Code of conduct


This Code of Conduct binds both committee and non-committee members of Harlow Fields School & College PTA.

These guidelines describe the basic expectations for behaviour and the importance for all members to conduct themselves professionally and ethically, and will run alongside our constitution, which is a legally binding document.

In order for the PTA to function successfully it is essential that all members agree to follow these guidelines while in acting in association with the PTA.

The Code

  • Any parent or guardian of a pupil attending Harlow Fields School & College PTA and all members of school staff are deemed to be members of the PTA, with the vested interest in enhancing the school for all
  • All work done on behalf of the PTA is voluntary and is done for no personal gain.
  • All members will act in the best interest of the PTA and the school.
  • All members will be encouraged to make relevant and positive contributions to meetings they attend.
  • All members have the right to be heard and must respect each other’s opinions.
  • All members have the right to communicate together via the central email address Any matters relating to the school, should be directed to the school office.
  • Any items emailed through to the PTA email address may not be answered immediately. All committee members work on behalf of the PTA on a voluntary basis, in their free time and may not be able to address issues straight away.  Any query raised will need to be discussed by the committee and if necessary will be added to their next meeting agenda.
  • The committee will work to the rules stated in their constitution. As per the constitution, decisions will be made by a majority vote of the elected committee members. The committee may from time to time consult with the wider membership, however the committee’s decision is final.
  • All members must ensure that any material or discussion of a confidential nature, especially matters concerning individual staff, pupils or parents/guardians, is confined to the meeting, attended only by elected committee members. Names will be blacked out of the meeting minutes, if necessary.
  • The committee should be made aware of any conflict of interest and the person involved should withdraw from any discussion pertaining to that subject.
  • All members must respect the School and personal property.
  • All paperwork and assets relating to the PTA are the property of the PTA, and not that of the individual. When leaving the PTA a member should return any relevant paperwork or assets to the PTA Committee.
    • Should it be deemed by the committee that any member has disregarded this code or their actions have brought the PTA or the school into disrepute, the committee has the right to exclude that member from future involvement. The procedure for removal of a PTA member or PTA committee member is stated in the constitution.